Knowledge Center

Web Performance

Time to load a website. Lower is better.
Gigabit (1000 Mbps)
0.97 sec
Standard (250 Mbps)
1.05 sec
Other (50 Mbps)
1.12 sec
Gigabit (1000 Mbps)
0.42 sec
Standard (250 Mbps)
0.43 sec
Other (50 Mbps)
0.43 sec
Gigabit (1000 Mbps)
2.38 sec
Standard (250 Mbps)
2.38 sec
Other (50 Mbps)
2.45 sec
Gigabit (1000 Mbps)
1.23 sec
Standard (250 Mbps)
1.27 sec
Other (50 Mbps)
1.28 sec
Gigabit (1000 Mbps)
3.07 sec
Standard (250 Mbps)
3.22 sec
Other (50 Mbps)
3.43 sec

All testing was conducted using Brave, a Chromium based web browser. The machine used to conduct the tests was running Win10 using a 4.5Ghz Ryzen 7 5825U CPU with 32GB of memory.

Please note that webpage load times will vary based on the computer and browser used to load the site. In many cases, the performance of the computer used to view the webpage is a much more significant factor than is the speed of the connection.

Web performance can be affected by many factors, including, but not limited to: the speed of the device used to load the page, the software used on the device, local network infrastructure, Internet service infrastructure, overall network load, accessed server load, other factors affecting network or computer performance, etc.